Friday 5 August 2011

Marshaling, and how I started. Part 1

After the best part of 35 years following motorsport of one form or another I was sat musing one day trying to work out another angle to get involved in. I participated albeit at a very basic level running an old Vauxhall Firenza in some lowly local rallies. I’ve stood for hours getting cold, wet n hungry in Hafren forest waiting for the Metro 6R4’s and the like to come passed in the good old days of the RAC Rally, and like so many I’ve spent weekends at various tracks around the country just loving the smell of the fuel and rubber and the noise. But now I was itching to do something else, then it occurred to me, let’s go marshaling. How hard can it be? The answers in two parts, firstly its not very hard at all, all I did was get in touch with some guys at the BMMC (British Motorsport Marshals Club) and they very kindly and enthusiastically pointed me in the right direction

After paying my dues ,£20 annual membership and registering with the MSA I was off. A quick trip to AWS to get my overalls, and gloves, £56 and I was away. All I had to do now was volunteer for a race meeting and I was in. That’s the easy part.

My first meeting was the F3/GT meeting at Brands Hatch, and I was put in very capable hands. It’s one thing to watch these guys week in week out from the comfort of your own home but to actually be there is something totally different. Like a good boy I’d read to booklets that had been send to me and thought I’d be ok, but when the cars were actually on track and you have to think on your feet so to speak and count and work out which car is where at any given time( it’s not the done thing to Blue flag the leader) There’s just so much to think about that 9 hours on post flew by and next thing I know the Post Chief is handing my book all signed and saying well done, see you tomorrow. Day One over. It’s a great buzz to that close to the action, and to assist when needed. These guys give up their time, their weekends, family and a lot of personal expense to be part of this wonderful sport we all follow.

I survived my 1st day and I’ll let you know what happens as I go through my marshalling career.

Natural Born Racer.

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